More livable
More workable
Toward a Digital Society

Creating chemistry
by crossing IoT solutions
from around the world
with the Japanese market

Creating chemistry
by crossing IoT solutions
from around the world
with the Japanese market

Wisdom is the Daughter of Experience

What we have cultivated over the years are not only our successes, but also our experiences of suffering while working on a variety of projects. It is our job to use the wisdom we have gained from our experience to guide our clients to their goals in the best possible way.


X-HEMISTRY are professionals who are well versed in IoT.

Fumimasa ShingaiCEO

He is a leading figure in IoT business development in Japan. While providing consulting services himself, he has extensive connections with IoT-related companies around the world.

Shin SanadaCo-Founder, CTO

In addition to the hardware technology essential for IoT, he is also familiar with carrier-grade class network technology and various network protocols.

Yukihiro Ohtsu
Director of Business Development

Yasuhiro Ozawa
Senior Engineers

Kenta Wakabayashi
Solutions Engineer


Chiaki Matsunaga
IoT Consultant

Shinnosuke Takabayashi
Solutions Engineer

Masato Hashizume
Solutions Engineer


Keitaro Tonogi
Solutions Engineer